Before players provide feedback about their standings - Be aware - This league is based of your "Club Standings", first, then tournament play, then your self determined rating.
This supports the most club members, as not all league players also entre tournaments.
As a reminder, log in to >
- press the top right blue box with 3 bars, this displays your name at the bottom of your phone screen,
- press My Stuff.
- Using your finger scroll on the screen down to the Red box, which has Leagues on it.
- If you press "All Sessions" and scroll down you will also see Season 4 - 11 games. You will see an option "All Session Game Days". You can register early by pressing the date 18 THU 7:00AM, this will allow you to opt in for the first session on Jan 18th.
You can register now for Season 4 by following the above steps or:
How Season 4 will work:
1. Pay via the Noosa Leisure Centre [ link - PAY NOW ] A list of registered players is shared with the NLC to ensure everybody pays the NLC.
2. Opt in via clicking the "date" on the my schedule page or wait, the opted in button will work later in the week. The first game has opened early. Register from today.
The more advanced players that register and opt in to play, the more competitive the play will be.
Each week:
This season any one off "visitors" are welcome at any sessions other than the Thursday League day.
Regards Miriam Brace
Volunteer League Coordinator